Adb Instructions¶
, short for Android Debug Bridge, is a versatile command line debugging tools, which has a variety of functions, such as tracking system logs, upload and download files, install and uninstall applications.
In order to use adb
, you need to:
Use the Type-C cable to connect host PC with the Type-C port of the board.
Install adb driver and command, depending on your OS.
Adb Installation in Windows¶
Download, then unzip it to
for convenience.
Open a cmd
window and run:
C:\adb\adb shell
You are entering the adb shell if everything goes well.
Adb Installation in Ubuntu¶
Install adb tool:
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
Add device ID:
mkdir -p ~/.android vi ~/.android/adb_usb.ini # add the following line: 0x2207
Add udev rules for non-root user use:
sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules # add the following line: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0666"
Reload udev rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules sudo udevadm trigger
Restart adb with normal user:
sudo adb kill-server adb start-server
The next you can invoke adb directly, for example:
adb shell
Frequently Used Adb Commands¶
Connection Management¶
List all connected devices and their serial numbers:
adb devices
If there are multiple connected devices, you need to use the serial number to distinguish them:
export ANDROID_SERIAL=<device serial number>
adb shell ls
Also adb can be connected via the tcp/ip network.
adb tcpip 5555
Adb will restart on the device side and listen on TCP port 5555. The USB cable can be disconnected from now on.
If the IP address of the device is, you the following command to connect:
adb connect
Once connected, you can run adb command as usual:
adb shell ps
adb logcat
Until you explictly disconnect adb:
adb disconnect
Getting System Log¶
adb logcat [option] [Application label]
For example:
# View all logs
adb logcat
# View only part of the log
adb logcat -s WifiStateMachine StateMachine
Gathering Bug Report¶
adb bugreport
is used for error reporting, which gathers useful system information.
adb bugreport
# Save to local, make it easy to use editor view
adb bugreport >bugreport.txt
Apk Management¶
Install Apk¶
adb install [option] example.apk
-l forward-lock
-r Reinstall the application to retain the original data
-s Install to SD card instead of internal storage
For example:
# install facebook.apk
adb install facebook.apk
# upgrade twitter.apk
adb install -r twitter.apk
If install fails, check the common reasons below:
: Try to add-r
parameter to install again.INSTALL_FAILED_SIGNATURE_ERROR
: APK signature is inconsistent, and it may be due to the different version of the signature and debug version. If you confirm the APK file signature is normal, you can use the adb uninstall command to uninstall the old application, and then install again.INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE
: There is not enough storage space.
Uninstall Apk¶
adb uninstall apk_name
For example:
adb uninstall
The name of the apk package can be listed with the following command:
adb shell pm list packages -f
The apk file path and package name are separated by =