2. Compile Linux Firmware (kernel-5.10)¶
2.1. Download Firefly_Linux_SDK¶
First prepare an empty folder to place SDK, better under home, here we use ~/proj
as example.
1. SDK uses cross-compile, so download SDK to your X86_64 PC, do not download SDK to arm64 board.
2. Build environment needs to be Ubuntu18.04 (real PC or docker container), other versions may cause build failure.
3. Do not put SDK under shared directory of VM or non-English path.
4. Please get/build SDK as a normal user, root privilege are neither allowed nor required (except installing sth. with apt)
2.1.1. Install Tools¶
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y repo git python
2.1.2. Init Code Repository¶
Method One
Download via repo, you can choose to get full SDK or BSP:
mkdir ~/proj/rk3588_sdk/
cd ~/proj/rk3588_sdk/
## Full SDK
repo init --no-clone-bundle --repo-url https://gitlab.com/firefly-linux/git-repo.git -u https://gitlab.com/firefly-linux/manifests.git -b master -m rk3588_linux_release.xml
## BSP (Only include some basic repositories and compile tools)
## BSP includes device/rockchip, docs, kernel, u-boot, rkbin, tools and cross-compile toolchian
repo init --no-clone-bundle --repo-url https://gitlab.com/firefly-linux/git-repo.git -u https://gitlab.com/firefly-linux/manifests.git -b master -m rk3588_linux_bsp_release.xml
Method Two
Download Firefly_Linux_SDK sub-volume compressed package: Linux SDK
After downloading, verify the MD5 code:
$ md5sum rk3588_linux_release_20230114_v1.0.6c_0*
c3bcb3f92bd139f72551c89f75d39bfa rk3588_linux_release_20230114_v1.0.6c_00
ebb658571a645d4af1e2b569709480b7 rk3588_linux_release_20230114_v1.0.6c_01
9761cc324e9f7133500b590c441b0307 rk3588_linux_release_20230114_v1.0.6c_02
7adc9fe2158d7681554dce1def238f49 rk3588_linux_release_20230114_v1.0.6c_03
3d9201e3849b8a523c05920bebe28b39 rk3588_linux_release_20230114_v1.0.6c_04
6faaee006fe60fc9be60a64a01506cb6 rk3588_linux_release_20230114_v1.0.6c_05
After confirming that it is correct, you can unzip:
mkdir -p ~/proj/rk3588_sdk
cd ~/proj/rk3588_sdk
cat path/to/rk3588_linux_release_20230114_v1.0.6c_0* | tar -xv
# export data
.repo/repo/repo sync -l
2.1.3. Sync Code¶
Execute the following command to synchronize the code:
# Enter the SDK root directory
cd ~/proj/rk3588_sdk
# Sync
.repo/repo/repo sync -c --no-tags
.repo/repo/repo start firefly --all
You can use the following command to update the SDK later:
.repo/repo/repo sync -c --no-tags
2.2. Linux SDK Configuration introduction¶
2.2.1. Directory¶
$ tree -L 1
├── app
├── buildroot # Buildroot root filesystem build directory
├── build.sh -> device/rockchip/common/build.sh # Compile script
├── device # Compile related configuration files
├── docs # Documentation
├── envsetup.sh -> buildroot/build/envsetup.sh
├── external
├── kernel
├── Makefile -> buildroot/build/Makefile
├── mkfirmware.sh -> device/rockchip/common/mkfirmware.sh # Link script
├── prebuilts # Cross compilation toolchain
├── rkbin
├── rkflash.sh -> device/rockchip/common/rkflash.sh # Flash script
├── tools # Tools directory
├── u-boot
2.2.2. Introduction to configuration files¶
In the device/rockchip/rk3588/
directory, there are configuration files (xxxx.mk) for different board types, which are used to manage the compilation configuration of each project of the SDK. The relevant configuration introduction:
# Target arch
export RK_ARCH=arm64
# Uboot defconfig
export RK_UBOOT_DEFCONFIG=xxxx_defconfig
# Kernel defconfig
export RK_KERNEL_DEFCONFIG=xxxx_defconfig
# Kernel defconfig fragment
# Kernel dts
export RK_KERNEL_DTS=aio-3588jd4.dts
# parameter for GPT table
export RK_PARAMETER=parameter-xxxx.txt
# rootfs image path
export RK_ROOTFS_IMG=ubuntu_rootfs/rootfs.img
2.2.3. Partition table¶ parameter¶
The parameter.txt file contains the partition information of the firmware. Take parameter-ubuntu-fit.txt as an example:
path: device/rockchip/rk3588/parameter-ubuntu-fit.txt
MAGIC: 0x5041524B
ATAG: 0x00200800
MACHINE: 0xffffffff
PWR_HLD: 0,0,A,0,1
CMDLINE: mtdparts=rk29xxnand:0x00002000@0x00004000(uboot),0x00002000@0x00006000(misc),0x00020000@0x00008000(boot:bootable),0x00040000@0x00028000(recovery),0x00010000@0x00068000(backup),0x00c00000@0x00078000(rootfs),0x00040000@0x00c78000(oem),-@0x00cb8000(userdata:grow)
The CMDLINE attribute is where we are concerned. Take uboot as an example. In 0x00002000@0x00004000(uboot), 0x00004000 is the starting position of the uboot partition, 0x00002000 is the size of the partition, and so on. package-file¶
The package-file is used to determine the required partition image and image path when packaging the firmware, and it needs to be consistent with the parameter.txt.
path: tools/linux/Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/rk3588-package-file
# NAME Relative path
package-file package-file
bootloader Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin
parameter Image/parameter.txt
uboot Image/uboot.img
misc Image/misc.img
boot Image/boot.img
recovery Image/recovery.img
rootfs Image/rootfs.img
userdata RESERVED
2.3. Compile Ubuntu firmware¶
This chapter introduces the compilation process of Ubuntu firmware. It is recommended to develop under Ubuntu 18.04 system environment. If you use other system versions, you may need to adjust the compilation environment accordingly.
The compilation portion of this tutorial works with SDK versions above v1.0.6e
$ readlink -f .repo/manifest.xml
2.3.1. Preparatory work¶ Set up compilation environment¶
sudo apt-get install repo git ssh make gcc libssl-dev liblz4-tool \
expect g++ patchelf chrpath gawk texinfo chrpath diffstat binfmt-support \
qemu-user-static live-build bison flex fakeroot cmake gcc-multilib g++-multilib \
unzip \
device-tree-compiler ncurses-dev \
2.3.2. Compile SDK¶ Precompile Configuration¶
There are configuration files for different board in device/rockchip/rk3588/
, select the configuration file:
./build.sh aio-3588jd4-ubuntu.mk Build¶ Automatic compilation¶
Download: Ubuntu rootfs(64-bit),put in SDK path
7z x ubuntu-aarch64-rootfs.7z
mkdir ubuntu_rootfs
mv ubuntu-aarch64-rootfs.img ubuntu_rootfs/rootfs.img
start compiling
the firmware will be saved to the directory rockdev/pack/
. Partial compilation¶
./build.sh uboot
./build.sh extboot
./build.sh recovery
Download: Ubuntu rootfs(64-bit),put in SDK path
7z x ubuntu-aarch64-rootfs.7z
mkdir ubuntu_rootfs
mv ubuntu-aarch64-rootfs.img ubuntu_rootfs/rootfs.img
Update each part of the
link to the directoryrockdev/
Pack the firmware, the firmware will be saved to the directory
./build.sh updateimg
2.4. Compile Debian firmware¶
This chapter introduces the compilation process of Debian firmware. It is recommended to develop under Ubuntu 18.04 system environment. If you use other system versions, you may need to adjust the compilation environment accordingly.
The compilation portion of this tutorial works with SDK versions above v1.0.6e
$ readlink -f .repo/manifest.xml
2.4.1. Preparatory work¶ Set up compilation environment¶
sudo apt-get install repo git ssh make gcc libssl-dev liblz4-tool \
expect g++ patchelf chrpath gawk texinfo chrpath diffstat binfmt-support \
qemu-user-static live-build bison flex fakeroot cmake gcc-multilib g++-multilib \
unzip \
device-tree-compiler ncurses-dev \
### Compile SDK
#### Precompile Configuration
There are configuration files for different board in `device/rockchip/rk3588/`, select the configuration file:
./build.sh aio-3588jd4-debian.mk Build¶ Automatic compilation¶
Download: Debian rootfs(64-bit),put in SDK path
7z x debian_rk3588_rootfs_xxx.7z
mkdir debian
mv debianxx-rootfs.img debian/debian-rootfs.img
start compiling
the firmware will be saved to the directory rockdev/pack/
. Partial compilation¶
./build.sh uboot
./build.sh extboot
./build.sh recovery
Download: Debian rootfs(64-bit),put in SDK path
7z x debian_rk3588_rootfs_xxx.7z
mkdir debian
mv debianxx-rootfs.img debian/rootfs.img
Update each part of the
link to the directoryrockdev/
Pack the firmware, the firmware will be saved to the directory
./build.sh updateimg
2.5. Compile Buildroot firmware¶
This chapter introduces the compilation process of Buildroot firmware. It is recommended to develop under Ubuntu 18.04 system environment. If you use other system versions, you may need to adjust the compilation environment accordingly.
The compilation portion of this tutorial works with SDK versions above v1.0.6e
$ readlink -f .repo/manifest.xml
2.5.1. Preparatory work¶ Set up compilation environment¶
sudo apt-get install repo git ssh make gcc libssl-dev liblz4-tool \
expect g++ patchelf chrpath gawk texinfo chrpath diffstat binfmt-support \
qemu-user-static live-build bison flex fakeroot cmake gcc-multilib g++-multilib \
unzip \
device-tree-compiler ncurses-dev \
2.5.2. Compile SDK¶ Precompile Configuration¶
There are configuration files for different board in device/rockchip/rk3588/
, select the configuration file:
./build.sh aio-3588jd4-buildroot.mk Build¶ Automatic compilation¶
start compiling
the firmware will be saved to the directory rockdev/pack/
. Partial compilation¶
./build.sh uboot
./build.sh extboot
./build.sh recovery
./build.sh rootfs
Update each part of the
link to the directoryrockdev/
Pack the firmware, the firmware will be saved to the directory
./build.sh updateimg