5. RKMedia

5.1. Module Introduction

RKMedia is a set of API interfaces that integrate and encapsulate all media resource calls in RV1126/RV1109. It can greatly reduce the development cost of users who just contact RV1126/RV1109 chip platform, and all media resources on SoC can be called quickly and simply with a small amount of code. At the same time, RKMedia also provides joint call DEMO of hardware resources other than media resources, such as: RKAIQ, RKNN, RTSP and so on. The core idea of RKMedia is to separate each hardware resource into a module, and the input and output ends of the module are open to control the flow from one module to another module by binding. Each module is described here.


5.1.1. Video VI

  • VI is a video input module, which can be understood as a camera acquisition module. It should be noted that VI needs the support of RKAIQ, and RKAIQ needs to be initialized in advance before using VI. Detailed initialization steps can be viewed in Example.

  • VI channel properties set

MPP_CHN_S stViChn;			# Define the module device channel structure
stViChn.enModId = RK_ID_VI;	# Module number is RK_ID_VI
Stvichn.s32ChnId 				# Sets the VI channel number

VI_CHN_ATTR_S vi_chn_attr;	#Define the VI channel attribute structure pointer
vi_chn_attr.u32BufCnt			# VI captures the video buffer count
vi_chn_attr.u32Width			# video width
vi_chn_attr.u32Height			# video height
vi_chn_attr.enWorkMode		# VI channel working mode
vi_chn_attr.pcVideoNode		# video node path
vi_chn_attr.enPixFmt			# video format
  • Set the VI channel properties

# Function Definition:
RK_MPI_VI_SetChnAttr(VI_PIPE ViPipe, VI_CHN ViChn, const VI_CHN_ATTR_S *pstChnAttr);
# ViPipe is the pipeline number of VI; Vichn is the VI channel number; pstChnAttr is a pointer to the VI channel attribute structure.
# Examples of use:
RK_MPI_VI_SetChnAttr(vi_pipe, stViChn.s32ChnId, &vi_chn_attr);
  • Enable the VI channel

# Function Definition:
RK_S32 RK_MPI_VI_EnableChn(VI_PIPE ViPipe, VI_CHN ViChn);
# ViPipe is the pipeline number of VI; Vichn is the VI channel number.
# Examples of use:
RK_MPI_VI_EnableChn(vi_pipe, stViChn.s32ChnId); VP

  • One video input and four outputs VP uses the ISPP module to realize one video from rkispp_input_image node corresponding to video input, four videos from rkispp_m_bypass , rkispp_scale0 , rkispp_scale1 , rkispp_scale2 nodes corresponding to video output, node information can be viewed through the following commands:

media-ctl -p -d /dev/media*
  • Use VP to complete the video input from the rkispp_input_image node corresponding to the video, and use VI to complete the video output from the rkispp_m_bypass , rkispp_scale0 , rkispp_scale1 , rkispp_scale2 nodes corresponding to the video, you can achieve one video input and four output. rkispp_scale0 , rkispp_scale1 , rkispp_scale2 can implement scaling, which can replace the scaling function of RGA, and can relieve the processing pressure of RGA hardware for DVR and other related products.

  • To use the VP function, you need to configure the rkispp_vir2 node in the kernel first (configured by default), for example:

&rkispp_vir2 {
       status = "okay";
  • To use the VP function, you need to configure the corresponding media node first, for example:

media-ctl -d /dev/media3 -l '"rkispp_input_image":0->"rkispp-subdev":0[1]'
media-ctl -d /dev/media3 --set-v4l2 '"rkisppsubdev":0[fmt:YUYV8_2X8/1920x1080]'
media-ctl -d /dev/media3 --set-v4l2 '"rkisppsubdev":2[fmt:YUYV8_2X8/1920x1080]'

Note: After the configuration is completed, you need to open 4 output nodes (1 to 4 can be opened), and finally open the input nodes. Data for input nodes can come from other VIs, RGAs, and so on. For specific examples, please refer to sdk/external/rkmedia/examples/rkmedia_vi_vp_vo_test.c in the SDK. VDEC

  • VDEC module, namely video decoding module. This module supports multi-channel real-time decoding, and each channel decoding is independent, and supports H264/H265/MJPEG/JPEG decoding.

  • Decode channel property Settings

MPP_CHN_S stVdecChn;					# Define the module device channel structure
stVdecChn.enModId = RK_ID_VDEC;		# Module number is RK_ID_VDEC
stVdecChn.s32ChnId						# Sets the decoding channel number

VDEC_CHN_ATTR_S stVdecAttr;			# Define the decoding channel attribute structure
stVdecAttr.enCodecType					# Decoding format
stVdecAttr.enMode							# Decodes input mode and supports frames/streams
stVdecAttr.enDecodecMode				# Decoding mode, support hardware or software decoding
  • Create the VDEC decoding channel

# Function Definition:
RK_S32 RK_MPI_VDEC_CreateChn(VDEC_CHN VdChn, const VDEC_CHN_ATTR_S *pstAttr);
# VdChn is the decoding channel number; pstAttr is a pointer to the decoded channel property.
# Examples of use:
RK_MPI_VDEC_CreateChn(stVdecChn.s32ChnId, &stVdecAttr); RGA

  • RGA module is used for cropping, format conversion, scaling, rotation, image overlay and so on of 2D images.

  • The use of RGA processing can greatly reduce the CPU burden, and speed up the image processing speed. (Refer: 1080p image format conversion. RGA Time: 7ms, OpenCV Time: 50ms).

  • The RGA channel in rkmedia only supports clip, format conversion, zoom and rotation, while image overlay requires a separate call to librga.so library. See rockchip_developer_guide_linux_rga_cn.pdf

  • RGA channel properties set

MPP_CHN_S stRgaChn;				# Define the module device channel structure
stRgaChn.enModId = RK_ID_RGA;		# Module number is RK_ID_RGA
Strgachn.s32ChnId						# Sets the decoding channel number

RGA_ATTR_S stRgaAttr;				# Define the RGA attribute structure
stRgaAttr.bEnBufPool					# Enable buffer pool
stRgaAttr.u16BufPoolCnt				# Buffer pool count
stRgaAttr.u16Rotaion					# Rotate values in the range 0,90,180,270
stRgaAttr.stImgIn.u32X					# RGA channel enters the X-axis coordinates of the image
stRgaAttr.stImgIn.u32Y					# RGA channel enters the Y-axis coordinates of the image
stRgaAttr.stImgIn.imgType				# RGA channel input image format
stRgaAttr.stImgIn.u32Width			# Input image width
stRgaAttr.stImgIn.u32Height			# Input image height
stRgaAttr.stImgIn.u32HorStride		# Enter the virtual width of the image
stRgaAttr.stImgIn.u32VirStride			# Enter the virtual height of the image
stRgaAttr.stImgOut.u32X				# RGA channel outputs the X-axis coordinates of the image
stRgaAttr.stImgOut.u32Y				# RGA channel outputs the Y-axis coordinates of the image
stRgaAttr.stImgOut.imgType			# The RGA channel outputs the image format
stRgaAttr.stImgOut.u32Width			# The width of the output image
stRgaAttr.stImgOut.u32Height			# The height of the output image
stRgaAttr.stImgOut.u32HorStride		# Output image virtual width
stRgaAttr.stImgOut.u32VirStride		# Output image virtual height
  • Create the RGA channel

# Function Definition:
RK_S32 RK_MPI_RGA_CreateChn(RGA_CHN RgaChn, RGA_ATTR_S *pstRgaAttr);
# RgaChn is the RGA channel number; pstAttr is a pointer to an RGA channel property.
# Examples of use:
RK_MPI_RGA_CreateChn(stRgaChn.s32ChnId, &stRgaAttr);

stride width, usually the same as buffer_width. If u32VirWidth is greater than buffer width, align 16 must be satisfied. The 16 alignment of variables can be set using the CELING_2_POWER function. Such as:

# Define the CELING_2_POWER macro
#define CELING_2_POWER(x,a) (((x) + ((a)-1)) & (~((a) - 1)))
# Use the CELING_2_POWER macro
stRgaAttr.stImgOut.u32VirStride = CELING_2_POWER(u32Height,16); VO

  • VO module is used for video output management. VO module is the package of DRM/KMS and supports multi-vop and multi-graphic display.

MPP_CHN_S VoChn;						# Define the module device channel structure
VO_CHN_ATTR_S stVoAttr = {0};			# Define the video output attribute structure and initialize it to 0
memset(&stVoAttr, 0, sizeof(stVoAttr));

stVoAttr.pcDevNode = "/dev/dri/card0";	# Set the output device node to /dev/dri/card0
stVoAttr.emPlaneType						# Video output layer type
stVoAttr.enImgType						# Enter the image format
stVoAttr.u16Zpos							# Output the layer's Z-axis height
stVoAttr.u32Width							# Video output width
stVoAttr.u32Height							# Video output height
stVoAttr.stImgRect.s32X					# Video input the X-axis coordinates of the image region
stVoAttr.stImgRect.s32Y					# Video input the Y-axis coordinates of the image region
stVoAttr.stImgRect.u32Width				# The width of the input image region
stVoAttr.stImgRect.u32Height				# The height of the input image region
stVoAttr.stDispRect.s32X					# Displays the starting x-coordinate of the region
stVoAttr.stDispRect.s32Y					# Displays the starting Y-coordinate of the region
stVoAttr.stDispRect.u32Width				# The width of the display area
stVoAttr.stDispRect.u32Height				# The height of the display area

VoChn.enModId = RK_ID_VO;				# Module number is RK_ID_VO
Vochn.s32DevId							# Module device number
Vochn.s32ChnId							# Module channel number
  • Create a VO channel

# Function Definition:
RK_S32 RK_MPI_VO_CreateChn(VO_CHN VoChn, const VO_CHN_ATTR_S *pstAttr);
# VoChn is the VO channel number ; pstAttr is a pointer to a VO channel property.
# Examples of use:
RK_MPI_VO_CreateChn(VoChn.s32ChnId, &stVoAttr); VENC

  • VENC module, namely video coding module. This module supports multi-channel real-time encoding, and each encoding is independent, encoding protocol and encoding profile can be different. At the same time, the scheduling Region module overlapped and occluded the encoded image content. Support H264/H265/MJPEG/JPEG encoding.

MPP_CHN_S stVenChn;									# Define the module device channel structure
stVenChn.enModId = RK_ID_VENC;							# Set the module number to RK_ID_VENC
stvenchn.s32ChnId										# The encoded channel number
memset(&venc_chn_attr, 0, sizeof(venc_chn_attr));

VENC_CHN_ATTR_S venc_chn_attr;						# Define the VENC channel attribute structure
venc_chn_attr.stVencAttr.enType							# Encoding format
venc_chn_attr.stVencAttr.imageType						# Voding image format
venc_chn_attr.stVencAttr.u32PicWidth						# Image width
venc_chn_attr.stVencAttr.u32PicHeight					# Image height
venc_chn_attr.stVencAttr.u32VirWidth						# Picture virtual wide
venc_chn_attr.stVencAttr.u32VirHeight					# Image artificially high
venc_chn_attr.stVencAttr.u32Profile						# u32Profile Profile IDC value for H264 encoder

For H264 or H265 parameters, refer to the following configuration

venc_chn_attr.stRcAttr.enRcMode									# Encoding protocol type is configured according to the specific encoding format used
venc_chn_attr.stRcAttr.stH264Cbr.u32Gop = fps;					# I frame interval, value range: [1, 65536]
venc_chn_attr.stRcAttr.stH264Cbr.u32BitRate =
    u32Width * u32Height * fps / 14;									# Average bit rate, value range: [2000, 98000000], unit: bps
venc_chn_attr.stRcAttr.stH264Cbr.fr32DstFrameRateDen = 1;		# Target frame rate molecule
venc_chn_attr.stRcAttr.stH264Cbr.fr32DstFrameRateNum = fps;	# The denominator of target frame rate
venc_chn_attr.stRcAttr.stH264Cbr.u32SrcFrameRateDen = 1;		# Data source frame rate molecule
venc_chn_attr.stRcAttr.stH264Cbr.u32SrcFrameRateNum = fps;	# Data source frame rate denominator
  • Create the VENC channel

# Function Definition:
RK_S32 RK_MPI_VENC_CreateChn(VENC_CHN VeChn, VENC_CHN_ATTR_S *stVencChnAttr);
# VeChn is the encoding channel number; stVencChnAttr encodes a pointer to a channel property.
# Examples of use:
RK_MPI_VENC_CreateChn(stVenChn.s32ChnId, &venc_chn_attr); Channel Binding

  • Once the channel properties are set, the channel can be bound.

  • Data source and data receiver binding interfaces are as follows:

RK_S32 RK_MPI_SYS_Bind(const MPP_CHN_S *pstSrcChn,const MPP_CHN_S *pstDestChn);
#pstSrcChn is the source channel pointer. pstDestChn destination channel pointer.
  • Note: Channel binding requires that the output of the source channel correspond to the data format of the input of the destination channel. Channel Data Sending And Fetching

  • The following functions are commonly used to input data to the specified channel:

RK_S32 RK_MPI_SYS_SendMediaBuffer(MOD_ID_E enModID, RK_S32 s32ChnID, MEDIA_BUFFER buffer);
# enModID is the module number; S32ChnID is the channel number; Buffer is a buffer.
  • The following functions are commonly used to retrieve data from the specified channel:

MEDIA_BUFFER RK_MPI_SYS_GetMediaBuffer(MOD_ID_E enModID, RK_S32 s32ChnID, RK_S32 s32MilliSec);
# enModID is the module number; s32ChnID is the channel number; s32Millisec is the blocking wait time, and a value of -1 indicates the blocking wait. RTSP Pull Flow And Push Flow

Simple RTSP pull and push interfaces are provided for webcam video analysis scenarios.

  • RTSP pull flow Using Firefly to write the library function interface ffrtspGet can easily achieve pull RTSP data stream. The structure ffrtsp_get needs to be configured. The structure configuration is described as follows:

struct FFRTSPGet ffrtsp_get;					# Define structure of type FFRTSPGet
ffrtsp_get.count = 0;
ffrtsp_get.callback = NULL;
ffrtsp_get.callback = FFRKMedia_Vdec_Send;	# Callback function
Ffrtsp_get.count								# Number of RTSP streams pulled
Ffrtsp_get.ffrtsp_get_info[i].url				# Pull the link to the RTSP data stream

Note: After configuring the structure, you only need to create a threaded task to pull a single or multiple RTSP data streams.

  • RTSP push flow The library function interface ffrtspPush written by Firefly can easily realize the push RTSP data stream. The structure ffrtsp_push needs to be configured. The structure configuration is described as follows:

Ffrtsp_push[i].idex	# push the number of the RTSP data stream
Ffrtsp_push[i].port	# Push the port of the RTSP data stream
ffrtsp_push[i].type	# Push video type of RTSP data stream

Note: The number of threads that need to be created after the structure is configured should match the number of RTSP data streams pushed. Channel Destructor Order

It should be noted that RKMedia has a special requirement for the sequence of module destructions: the last module in the data flow pipeline should be destroyed before the previous module. Such as:

VI --> RGA --> VENC

The following destructor sequence is recommended:

destroy VENC --> destroy RGA --> destroy VI

Take VI as an example, VI is the data generation end. The buffer produced by VI may be occupied by the secondary level when the data pipeline is destroyed, thus causing the resource managed by VI to be occupied as well. Open it again and you’ll get an error with Device Busy. This problem occurs when the data channel is destroyed by the frequent creation of a pin >.

  • Refer to the manual rockchip_developer_guide_linux_rkmedia_cn.pdf for more details on RKMEDIA.

5.1.2. Audio

Audio input AI and output AO are used for docking with Audio Codec to complete sound recording and playback. RKMedia AI/AO relies on Linux ALSA devices. Different sound cards can use the AI/AO interface as long as the ALSA driver is supported. Audio algorithms are integrated into the AI and can be configured to be enabled. After the algorithm is turned on, AI outputs the PCM data processed by the algorithm.

  • Audio codec is achieved through rkaudio encapsulation, currently support G711A/G711U/G726/MP2.

  • Algorithm support: currently support the intercom scene AEC algorithm, recording scene ANR algorithm. AI

  • Audio input

AI_CHN_ATTR_S ai_attr;				# Audio input property structure
ai_attr.pcAudioNode					# Audio device node path
ai_attr.enSampleFormat				# Sampling format
ai_attr.u32NbSamples					# Number of sample points per frame
ai_attr.u32SampleRate				# Sampling rate
ai_attr.u32Channels					# Number of channels
ai_attr.enAiLayout						# Enter the layout type

RK_S32 s32CurrentVolmue = 0;
RK_S32 s32Volmue = 50;
RK_MPI_AI_SetChnAttr(0, &ai_attr);				# Set the AI_CHN_ATTR_S parameter
RK_MPI_AI_EnableChn(0);							# Enable channel 0
RK_MPI_AI_GetVolume(0, &s32CurrentVolmue);	# Gets the input volume of the channel 0 device
RK_MPI_AI_SetVolume(0, s32Volume);				# Set channel 0 device input volume
RK_MPI_AI_StartStream(0);						# Start the audio stream on channel 0 AO

  • Audio output

AO_CHN_ATTR_S ao_attr; 								# Audio device node path
ao_attr.pcAudioNode 						# Sampling format
ao_attr.enSampleFormat 								# Number of Samples per frame
ao_attr.u32NbSamples							# Sampling rate
ao_attr.u32SampleRate 								# Number of channels

RK_S32 s32CurrentVolmue = 0;
RK_S32 s32Volmue = 50;
RK_MPI_AO_SetChnAttr(0, &ao_attr);				# Set the AO_CHN_ATTR_S parameter
RK_MPI_AO_EnableChn(0);						# Enable channel 0
RK_MPI_AO_GetVolume(0, &s32CurrentVolmue);	# Gets the output volume of the channel 0 device
RK_MPI_AO_SetVolume(0, s32Volume);			# Set channel 0 device output volume AENC

  • Audio coding

  • Related encoding protocol property structure:stAencMP3/stAencMP2/stAencG711A/stAencG711U/stAencG726

# Audio encoding property structure:
typedef struct rkAENC_CHN_ATTR_S {
	CODEC_TYPE_E enCodecType;
	RK_U32 u32Bitrate;
	RK_U32 u32Quality;
	union {
		AENC_ATTR_MP3_S stAencMP3;
		AENC_ATTR_MP2_S stAencMP2;
		AENC_ATTR_G711A_S stAencG711A;
		AENC_ATTR_G711U_S stAencG711U;
		AENC_ATTR_G726_S stAencG726;

MPP_CHN_S mpp_chn_aenc;											# Define the module device channel structure
mpp_chn_aenc.enModId = RK_ID_AENC;								# Module number is RK_ID_AENC
mpp_chn_aenc.s32ChnId = 0;											# Channel number is 0

AENC_CHN_ATTR_S aenc_attr;										# Define the audio encoding property structure
aenc_attr.enCodecType												# Encodes the protocol type
aenc_attr.u32Bitrate													# Bitrate
aenc_attr.u32Quality													# Coding quality
aenc_attr.stAencMP3.u32Channels										# Channel number
aenc_attr.stAencMP3.u32SampleRate 									# Sampling rate
RK_MPI_AENC_CreateChn(mpp_chn_aenc.s32ChnId, &aenc_attr); 	# Create an audio encoding channel ADEC

  • Audio decoding

  • Related decoding protocol attribute structure: stAdecMP3/stAdecMP2/stAdecG711A/stAdecG711U/stAdecG726

# Audio decoding property structure:
typedef struct rkADEC_CHN_ATTR_S {
	CODEC_TYPE_E enCodecType;
	union {
		ADEC_ATTR_MP3_S stAdecMP3;
		ADEC_ATTR_MP2_S stAdecMP2;
		ADEC_ATTR_G711A_S stAdecG711A;
		ADEC_ATTR_G711U_S stAdecG711U;
		ADEC_ATTR_G726_S stAdecG726;

ADEC_CHN_ATTR_S stAdecAttr;					# Define the audio decoding property structure
stAdecAttr.enCodecType							# Encodes the protocol type
RK_MPI_ADEC_CreateChn(0, &stAdecAttr);		# Create audio decoder channel VQE Sound Quality Enhancement

AI_TALKVQE_CONFIG_S		# Audio Input Sound Quality Enhancement (TALK) configuration information structure
AI_RECORDVQE_CONFIG_S	# Audio Input Sound Quality Enhancement (RECORD) configuration information structure

memset(&stAiVqeTalkAttr, 0, sizeof(AI_TALKVQE_CONFIG_S));
stAiVqeTalkAttr.s32WorkSampleRate												# Work sampling frequency
stAiVqeTalkAttr.s32FrameSample													# Number of sampling points
stAiVqeTalkAttr.aParamFilePath													# Parameter file path
stAiVqeTalkAttr.u32OpenMask =
	AI_TALKVQE_MASK_AEC | AI_TALKVQE_MASK_ANR | AI_TALKVQE_MASK_AGC; # Talk VQE's various features enable Mask values. AI_TALKVQE_MASK_AEC, AI_TALKVQE_MASK_ANR and AI_TALKVQE_MASK_AGC are currently supported

memset(&stAiVqeTalkAttr, 0, sizeof(AI_TALKVQE_CONFIG_S));
stAiVqeRecordAttr.s32WorkSampleRate							# Work sampling frequency
stAiVqeRecordAttr.s32FrameSample								# Number of sampling points
stAiVqeRecordAttr.stAnrConfig.fPostAddGain						# ANR post-gain
stAiVqeRecordAttr.stAnrConfig.fGmin								# ANR spectrum gain floor, unit for dB, the default value is - 30 dB
stAiVqeRecordAttr.stAnrConfig.fNoiseFactor						# ANR noise suppression coefficient, the default value is 0.98
stAiVqeRecordAttr.u32OpenMask = AI_RECORDVQE_MASK_ANR;	# Record VQE features enable the Mask value. AI_RECORDVQE_MASK_ANR is currently supported

5.2. Concrete Example

5.2.1. Video

In order to help users quickly understand the development process of RKMedia, Firefly provides a large number of test demos. Code path SDK/external/rkmedia/example/, SDK/app/firefly_rkmedia_demo. VI->GetFrame

  • The corresponding DEMO example for this development process is rkmedia_vi_get_frame_test.c

  • Note: Device input is saved to a file. Show how to fetch a video stream from VI without Bind.

  • Quick use:

# Grab 10 frames from the camera node rkispp_scale0 and save them as a 1080p.nv12 file
./rkmedia_vi_get_frame_test  -a /oem/etc/iqfiles/ -w 1920 -h 1080 -d rkispp_scale0 -o /tmp/1080p.nv12 -c 10

# Select 10 frames of image data, intercept the last frame to preview
# Use dd to skip the first 9 frames to get the last frame. 3110400 = 1920 x 1080 x 3/2 NV12 data size per frame
dd if=1080p.nv12 of=1080pl.nv12 bs=3110400 skip=9
# Convert NV12 images to PNG format using ffmpeg.
fmpeg -y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt nv12 -ss 00:01 -r 1 -s 1920x1080 -i 1080pl.nv12 -frames:v 1 output.png
# Open output.png to preview.
  • The DEMO effect is shown in the figure below

_images/vi_get_frame.png VI->UVC

  • The demo example corresponding to the development process is firefly_rkmediA_vi_uvc_test.c

  • Description: virtual the device into a network card and UVC compound device. Device camera inputs and processes image data using an RKNN model. Image data is transmitted to host host computer through UVC. RKNN Output data is transmitted to the host host computer through the virtual nic. Host host is developed with OpenCV and can be applied to Windows/Linux/macOS platforms. This demo is for sdk-ai only. sdk-ai source code link.

# Due to the large number of configuration items, demo has been solidified into MK file, and the demo firmware is generated by one-click compilation using mk file
# Compile command
./build.sh device/rockchip/rv1126_rv1109/aio-rv1126-rkmedia-uvcc.mk

# /etc/init.d/S58_lunch_init The board does not need to do anything. You only need to run the Linux host command.
# Because the demo is not perfect. After executing sudo ./client on the Linux host, restart the device before starting demo again.
  • Quick use:

# Linux host
sudo ./client
  • The DEMO effect is shown in the figure below

img/CAM-C1109S2U/vi_uvc.png VI->RKNN->VENC->RTSP

  • The corresponding DEMO example for this development process is rkmedia_vi_rknn_venc_rtsp_test.c

  • Note: This example parses the rtsp-nn.cfg configuration file to configure the input and output information of the VI interface and the VENC interface. The image data of the camera node obtained by the VI interface is sent to the NPU for AI model inference, and then the inference results are analyzed. Then, the processed data is sent to the VENC coding interface for encoding by using the RK_MPI_SYS_SendMediaBuffer interface. Finally, the rtsp_tx_video interface is used to push the VENC encoded data stream to the RTSP network.

  • Quick use:

# The path needs to have relevant files
./rkmedia_vi_rknn_venc_rtsp_test -a /oem/etc/iqfiles/ -c /oem/usr/share/rtsp-nn.cfg -b /oem/usr/share/rknn_model/box_priors.txt -l /oem/usr/share/rknn_model/coco_labels_list.txt -p /oem/usr/share/rknn_model/ssd_inception_v2_rv1109_rv1126.rknn

# Preview RTSP push stream on PC using VLC player
vlc rtsp://
# Note: is the IP address of the development board, which can be adjusted according to the actual situation
  • The DEMO effect is shown in the figure below

_images/vi_rknn_venc_rtsp.png RTSPGet->VDEC(Multi)->VO

  • The corresponding DEMO example for this development process is rkmedia_rtspget_multi_test.cc

  • Description: This example uses the RTSP pull interface ffrtspGet to get data from multiple webcams, then uses the VDEC interface to decode, then uses the RGA interface to accelerate the building of raw data into target data, and finally uses the RK_MPI_SYS_SendMediaBuffer interface to send the target data to the VO interface for split screen output display.

  • Quick use:

# RTSP fetches 2 webcams, each camera fetches twice, and outputs to display on the display screen
./rkmedia_rtspget_multi_test rtsp://admin:firefly123@ rtsp://admin:firefly123@ rtsp://admin:firefly123@ rtsp://admin:firefly123@
  • The DEMO effect is shown in the figure below

_images/rtsp_multi_vo.jpg RTSPGet->VDEC->RKNN->VENC->RTSPPush

  • The corresponding DEMO example for this development process is rkmedia_rtspget_vdec_rknn_venc_rtsp_test.cc

  • Note: This example can achieve the effect of multiple RTSP pull stream decoding and multiple RTSP coding push stream. The process uses the RTSP pull interface ffrtspGet to get data from multiple webcams, and then uses the VDEC interface to decode. The decoded picture data > is sent to NPU for AI model reasoning, and then the reasoning results are analyzed. OpenCV is used to apply the reasoning results to the pictures. VENC encodes the images processed by OpenCV, and finally uses the interface ffrtspPush to push the data stream encoded by VENC Stream to the RTSP network.

  • Quick use:

# To run this example, you need the library file libffrtsp.so
./rkmedia_rtspget_vdec_rknn_venc_rtsp_test -c /usr/share/ffrtsp-nn.cfg -p /usr/share/rknn_model/ssd_inception_v2_rv1109_rv1126.rknn -l /usr/share/rknn_model/coco_labels_list.txt -b /usr/share/rknn_model/box_priors.txt

# ffrtsp-nn.cfg The two webcams are configured as
video_type=6 video_fps=25 width=1920 height=1080 image_type=4 port=8554 video_url=rtsp://admin:firefly123@
video_type=6 video_fps=25 width=1920 height=1080 image_type=4 port=8555 video_url=rtsp://admin:firefly123@

# The command to preview the RTSP push screen using VLC on PC is
vlc rtsp://
vlc rtsp://
# Note: is the IP of the development board, which can be adjusted according to the actual situation
  • The DEMO effect is shown in the figure below


5.2.2. Audio

  • Audio function demo example: rkmedia_audio_test. Support AI->AENC->AO cycle, AI->AENC->File, File->ADEC->AO, AI input VQE enhanced AO output four modes.

  • Quick use:

#Sampling rate. Available options: 0, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000
./rkmedia_audio_test 0 16000

# AI->AENC->File
./rkmedia_audio_test 1 16000 /userdata/output.aac

# File->ADEC->AO
./rkmedia_audio_test 2 16000 /userdata/input.aac

# AI input VQE enhanced AO output
./rkmedia_audio_test 3 16000