Customized Android firmware


To customize Android firmware, there are two methods:

  • Modify source code, then compile and package to new firmware.

  • Patch based on existing firmware.

The former can customize Android on any level freely, but require compiling environment with high performance, and personal knowledgeable skill in Linux kernel and Android. Please see the detail in Build_android.

We introduce the latter one here. It is divided in three stages: extract, customize and package. We use Linux as the host OS, and utilities which are all open source.

Image format

Our new update image, release_update.img here, contains bootloader loader.img and the actual firmware data update.img. That is, release_undate.img is a wrapper of loader.img and update.img.

|- loader.img
`- update.img

update.img is a composite file, which contains multiple files described by package-file. A typical package-file is:

# NAME    Relative path
package-file package-file
bootloader Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin
parameter  Image/parameter.txt
trust      Image/trust.img
uboot      Image/uboot.img
misc       Image/misc.img
resource   Image/resource.img
kernel     Image/kernel.img
boot    Image/boot.img
recovery   Image/recovery.img
system     Image/system.img
backup     RESERVED
update-script update-script
recover-script recover-script
  • package-file

    • update.img package description file, update.img also contains a package-file.

  • Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin

    • Start the loader - bootloader.

  • Image/parameter.txt

    • Parameter file, can set the kernel boot parameters, there are important partition information.

  • Image/trust.img

    • trust.img is the U-Boot as the secondary loader package.

  • Image/misc.img

    • Image of misc partition, used to control whether Android starts normally or enters Recovery Mode.

  • Image/kernel.img

    • Android kernel.

  • Image/resource.img

    • Resource image with kernel boot image and kernel Device Tree Blob.

  • Image/boot.img

    • The memory boot disk (initrd) of the Android kernel, the first root file system to be loaded after the kernel is started, contains important initialization actions that generally do not need to be changed.

  • Image/recovery.img

    • Android image,including Recovery Mode with kernel and root file system of Recovery Mode.

  • Image/system.img

    • Corresponds to the Android /system partition and is the following custom object.

Unpacking is extracting the update.img from release_update.img, then the extracted with package-file statement by multiple files.

Packaging is an inverse process to synthesize the multiple files listed in the package-file to update.img, add to the loader.img, and finally generate the release_update.img.

Prepare the Tools

git clone
cd rk2918_tools
sudo cp afptool img_unpack img_maker mkkrnlimg /usr/local/bin

Extrace Firmware

  • Extract the release_update.img

$ cd /path/to/your/firmware/dir
$ img_unpack Firefly-RK3399_20161027.img img
rom version: 6.0.1
build time: 2016-10-27 14:58:18
chip: 33333043
checking md5sum....OK
  • Extract the update.img

$ cd img
$ afptool -unpack update.img update
Check file...OK
------- UNPACK -------
package-file	0x00000800	0x00000280
Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin	0x00001000	0x0003E94E
Image/parameter.txt	0x00040000	0x00000350
Image/trust.img	0x00040800	0x00400000
Image/uboot.img	0x00440800	0x00400000
Image/misc.img	0x00840800	0x0000C000
Image/resource.img	0x0084C800	0x0003FE00
Image/kernel.img	0x0088C800	0x00F5D00C
Image/boot.img	0x017EA000	0x0014AD24
Image/recovery.img	0x01935000	0x013C0000
Image/system.img	0x02CF5000	0x2622A000
RESERVED	0x00000000	0x00000000
UnPack OK!
  • View the file tree under the update directory

$ cd update/
$ tree
├── Image
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── kernel.img
│   ├── MiniLoaderAll.bin
│   ├── misc.img
│   ├── parameter.txt
│   ├── recovery.img
│   ├── resource.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── trust.img
│   ├── uboot.img
├── package-file

1 directory, 12 files

Now that the firmware has been unpacked successfully, let’s start customizing it.


Customize the system.img

system.img is an image file with ext4 filesystem format, which can be mounted into system to modify directly

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/system
sudo mount -o loop Image/system.img /mnt/system
cd /mnt/system
# Add or delete apks inside. Pay attention to the free space. You canno add too many apks.
# Edit complete. Unmount it.
cd /
sudo umount /mnt/system

Please note, the free space of system.img is nearly zero. If you want more, you have to expand it, and change partition settings in parameter file accordingly.

Here is an example of how the expand the image. Before expanding, run mount to make sure that system.img is not mounted (Unmount it if it is):

  • Add 128M disk space

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=128 >> Image/system.img
# Update filesystem records
e2fsck -f Image/system.img
resize2fs Image/system.img


First, you need to check the size of system.img. Make sure it is matched with partition setting in parameter file. If not, modify the parameter file to adjust the partitions.

For example, you can find the CMDLINE line in parameter file parameter.txt, which has the string system:


The number before symbol @, is the size of the partition, in unit of 512 bytes (traditional disk sector size). Therefore this system partition has a size of:

$ echo $(( 0x00200000 * 512 / 1024 / 1024))M

As long as the size of system.img does not exceed 1024M, the parameter file does not need to be changed.

If size of system.img does not go beyond 1024M, there is no need to change parameter file.

If the partitions do not changed, you can flash the new system.img to the device for a test. Otherwise, you need to package a new firmware, flash it and test.

Here are the steps to package update.img:

  • Package update.img:

# The current directorys still update/, which has package-file. All files listed in package-file are available.
# Copy the parameter file, which is the default one used by afptool.
$ cp Image/parameter.txt parameter
$ afptool -pack . ../update_new.img
------ PACKAGE ------
Add file: ./package-file
Add file: ./Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin
Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt
Add file: ./Image/trust.img
Add file: ./Image/uboot.img
Add file: ./Image/misc.img
Add file: ./Image/resource.img
Add file: ./Image/kernel.img
Add file: ./Image/boot.img
Add file: ./Image/recovery.img
Add file: ./Image/system.img
Add file: ./RESERVED
Add CRC...
------ OK ------
Pack OK!
  • Package release_update.img:

$ img_maker -rk33 loader.img update_new.img release_update_new.img
generate image...
append md5sum...

Congratulations, release_update_new.img is the final firmware image file ready to flash.


Q1 : How to change firmware version?

A1 : In parameter file, find the following line and modify it. The version can only contain digital numbers, and the two dots can not be omitted.