3. Camera Module

3.1. CAM-8MS1M Monocular camera

3.1.1. Product Specification

  • Brand:SV

  • ISP:xc7160

  • Sensor: sc8238

  • Interface: MIPI

  • Pixels: 800W(Currently only supports up to 1080P, 4K work in progress)

3.1.2. Reference firmware

Public Fimware support CAM-8MS1M camera module by default. If it doesn’t work, please update the latest firmware.

Firmware Download: CAM-8MS1M

3.1.3. Product Images

_images/cam_8ms1m_front.jpg _images/cam_8ms1m_back.jpg

3.1.4. Connection method


3.1.5. Photo by CAM-8MS1M
