Board Resource¶
Firefly-RK3399 development board has two MIPIs and a DVP camera interface. MIPI supports up to 4K photography, and supports video recording above 1080P 30fps. In addition, the development board also supports USB cameras.
This article will introduce how to make the camera work properly, using OV13850/OV5640 as an example.
Board Interface
DTS Configuration¶
isp0: isp@ff910000 {
status = "okay";
isp1: isp@ff920000 {
status = "okay";
The code directories of camera are shown as followed:
`- hardware/rockchip/camera/
|- CameraHal # HAL source code for camera
`- SiliconImage # SP library, including driver source code for all supporting modules
`- isi/drv/OV13850 # The source code of OV13850 modules
`- calib/OV13850.xml # Adjustment parameters of OV13850 module
`- device/rockchip/rk3399/
|- rk3399_firefly_aio_box
| `- cam_board.xml # Adjustment parameters of camera
|- kernel/drivers/media/video/rk_camsys # Driver source code of CamSys
`- kernel/include/media/camsys_head.h
Configuration Theory¶
What you need to configure the camera is to make the pins and clock work properly.
According to the schematic diagram below, you need to provide: AF_VDD28
, AVDD28
, DVDD12
and MCLK
MIPI interface
DVP interface
is provided by hardware connection. No configuration is needed.DOVDD18
: Controlled byDVP_PWR
corresponds to GPIO1_C7 of RK3399:
is controlled byCIF_PWER
corresponds to GPIO1_C6 of RK3399:
corresponds to GPIO2_B4, GPIO2_D4, GPIO0_B0:
All the pins are configured in cam_board.xml
, with the exception of DVDD12 (CIF_POWER)
, which is configured in DTS and driver.
Configuration Steps¶
Android Layer Configuration¶
Modify device/rockchip/rk3399/$(TARGET_PRODUCT)/cam_board.xml
to register camera:
<BoardXmlVersion version="v0.0xf.0"></BoardXmlVersion>
<SensorName name="OV13850"/>
<SensorLens name="50013A1"/>
<SensorHostDevID busnum="CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN"/>
<SensorI2cBusNum busnum="1"/>
<SensorI2cAddrByte byte="2"/>
<SensorI2cRate rate="100000"/>
<SensorAvdd name="NC" min="28000000" max="28000000" delay="0"/>
<SensorDvdd name="NC" min="12000000" max="12000000" delay="0"/>
<SensorDovdd name="NC" min="18000000" max="18000000" delay="5000"/>
<SensorMclk mclk="24000000" delay="1000"/>
<SensorGpioPwen ioname="RK30_PIN1_PC7" active="1" delay="1000"/>
<SensorGpioRst ioname="RK30_PIN0_PB0" active="0" delay="1000"/>
<SensorGpioPwdn ioname="RK30_PIN2_PD4" active="0" delay="0"/>
<SensorFacing facing="back"/>
<SensorInterface interface="MIPI"/>
<SensorMirrorFlip mirror="0"/>
<SensorOrientation orientation="180"/>
<SensorPowerupSequence seq="1234"/>
<SensorFovParemeter h="60.0" v="60.0"/>
<SensorAWB_Frame_Skip fps="15"/>
<SensorPhy phyMode="CamSys_Phy_Mipi" lane="2" phyIndex="1" sensorFmt="CamSys_Fmt_Raw_10b"/>
<VCMDrvName name="DW9714"/>
<VCMName name="HuaYong6505"/>
<VCMI2cBusNum busnum="1"/>
<VCMI2cAddrByte byte="0"/>
<VCMI2cRate rate="0"/>
<VCMVdd name="NC" min="0" max="0" delay="0"/>
<VCMGpioPower ioname="NC" active="0" delay="1000"/>
<VCMGpioPwdn ioname="NC" active="0" delay="0"/>
<VCMCurrent start="20" rated="80" vcmmax="100" stepmode="13" drivermax="100"/>
<FlashName name="Internal"/>
<FlashI2cBusNum busnum="0"/>
<FlashI2cAddrByte byte="0"/>
<FlashI2cRate rate="0"/>
<FlashTrigger ioname="NC" active="0"/>
<FlashEn ioname="NC" active="0"/>
<FlashModeType mode="1"/>
<FlashLuminance luminance="0"/>
<FlashColorTemp colortemp="0"/>
<AWB_Auto support="1"/>
<AWB_Incandescent support="1"/>
<AWB_Fluorescent support="1"/>
<AWB_Warm_Fluorescent support="1"/>
<AWB_Daylight support="1"/>
<AWB_Cloudy_Daylight support="1"/>
<AWB_Twilight support="1"/>
<AWB_Shade support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Auto support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Action support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Portrait support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Landscape support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Night support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Night_Portrait support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Theatre support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Beach support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Snow support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Sunset support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Steayphoto support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Pireworks support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Sports support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Party support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Candlelight support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_Barcode support="1"/>
<Sence_Mode_HDR support="1"/>
<Effect_None support="1"/>
<Effect_Mono support="1"/>
<Effect_Solarize support="1"/>
<Effect_Negative support="1"/>
<Effect_Sepia support="1"/>
<Effect_Posterize support="1"/>
<Effect_Whiteboard support="1"/>
<Effect_Blackboard support="1"/>
<Effect_Aqua support="1"/>
<Focus_Mode_Auto support="1"/>
<Focus_Mode_Infinity support="1"/>
<Focus_Mode_Marco support="1"/>
<Focus_Mode_Fixed support="1"/>
<Focus_Mode_Edof support="1"/>
<Focus_Mode_Continuous_Video support="0"/>
<Focus_Mode_Continuous_Picture support="1"/>
<Flash_Mode_Off support="1"/>
<Flash_Mode_On support="1"/>
<Flash_Mode_Torch support="1"/>
<Flash_Mode_Auto support="1"/>
<Flash_Mode_Red_Eye support="1"/>
<Anti_Banding_Auto support="1"/>
<Anti_Banding_50HZ support="1"/>
<Anti_Banding_60HZ support="1"/>
<Anti_Banding_Off support="1"/>
<HDR support="1"/>
<ZSL support="1"/>
<DigitalZoom support="1"/>
<Continue_SnapShot support="1"/>
<InterpolationRes resolution="0"/>
<PreviewSize width="1920" height="1080"/>
<FaceDetect support="0" MaxNum="1"/>
<DV_QCIF name="qcif" width="176" height="144" fps="10" support="1"/>
<DV_QVGA name="qvga" width="320" height="240" fps="10" support="1"/>
<DV_CIF name="cif" width="352" height="288" fps="10" support="1"/>
<DV_VGA name="480p" width="640" height="480" fps="10" support="0"/>
<DV_480P name="480p" width="720" height="480" fps="10" support="0"/>
<DV_720P name="720p" width="1280" height="720" fps="10" support="1"/>
<DV_1080P name="1080p" width="1920" height="1080" fps="10" support="1"/>
The main modifications are as follows:
Sensor name
<SensorName name="OV13850" ></SensorName>
This name must match the name of the sensor driver, which has the following format:
Sensor software identification
<SensorDevID IDname="CAMSYS_DEVID_SENSOR_1A"></SensorDevID>
Inconsistent registration marks are enough. You can fill with the following values:
Collector Name
<SensorHostDevID busnum="CAMSYS_DEVID_MARVIN" ></SensorHostDevID>
Currently only support:
I2C channel number
<SensorI2cBusNum busnum="3"></SensorI2cBusNum>
For the specific channel number, please refer to the camera schematic diagram to connect the main I2C channel number.
Length of Register Address (in bytes)
<SensorI2cAddrByte byte="2"></SensorI2cAddrByte>
Clock of I2C (in Hz). Used to set the frequency of I2C.
<SensorI2cRate rate="100000"></SensorI2cRate>
MCLK of Camera (in Hz). Used to set the clock of camera.
<SensorMclk mclk="24000000"></SensorMclk>
name connected toSensor AVDD
. Set toNC
if not connected.
<SensorAvdd name="NC" min="0" max="0"></SensorAvdd>
name Connected toSensor DOVDD
<SensorDovdd name="NC" min="18000000" max="18000000"></SensorDovdd>
Set to NC
if not connected to PMU. Note that the min
and max
values must be filled in, which determines the IO voltage of the sensor.
name Connected toSensor DVDD
<SensorDvdd name="NC" min="0" max="0"></SensorDvdd>
Set to NC
if not connected to PMU.
Sensor PowerDown
<SensorGpioPwdn ioname="RK30_PIN2_PB6" active="0"></SensorGpioPwdn>
Just fill in the name directly and active
fill in the effective level of dormancy.
Sensor Reset
<SensorGpioRst ioname="RK30_PIN3_PB0" active="0"></SensorGpioRst>
Just fill in the name directly, and active
fill in the effective level of the reset.
Sensor Power
<SensorGpioPwen ioname="RK30_PIN0_PB3" active="1"></SensorGpioPwen>
Just fill in the name directly, and active
fill in the effective level of the power supply.
Select Sensor as front or back
<SensorFacing facing="front"></SensorFacing>
Can fill in front
or back
Sensor’s Interface Mode
<SensorInterface mode="MIPI"></SensorInterface>
The following values can be filled in:
Sensor’s mirror mode
<SensorMirrorFlip mirror="0"></SensorMirrorFlip>
At present, it is not supported.
Sensor angle Information
<SensorOrientation orientation="0"></SensorOrientation>
Physical interface settings
<SensorPhy phyMode="CamSys_Phy_Mipi" lane="2" phyIndex="1" sensorFmt="CamSys_Fmt_Raw_10b"></SensorPhy>
hyMode: Sensor hardware interface connection, for MIPI Sensor, this value is
.Lane: The data channel of Sensor MIPI interface.
Phyindex: Master MIPI PHY number for Sensor MIPI connection.
sensorFmt: Sensor output data format, currently only supports
<SensorPhy phyMode="CamSys_Phy_Cif" sensor_d0_to_cif_d ="0" cif_num="0" sensorFmt="CamSys_Fmt_Yuv422_8b"></SensorPhy>
hyMode: Sensor hardware interface connection, for DVP Sensor, this value is
.Sensor_do_to_cif_d: Data bit number of master control DVP interface connected with Sensor DVP output data bit D0.
cif_num: Master DVP interface number for Sensor DVP connection.
sensorFmt: Sensor output data format, currently only supports
Compiling the kernel requires encoding the drivers/media/video/rk_camsys
driver source code into the kernel, which is configured as follo`s.
Execute commands in the kernel source directory:
make menuconfig
Then select the following configuration items:
Device Drivers --->
Multimedia support --->
camsys driver
RockChip camera system driver --->
camsys driver for marvin isp
camsys driver for cif
Finally, the following commands are executed to complete the kernel compilation:
make ARCH=arm64 rk3399-firefly.img
The system/etc/cam_board.xml
can be directly modified under the terminal to debug the parameters and reboot for active them.
Unable to open the camera, first determine whether sensor I2C is communicating. If not, check the MCLK and whether the power supply is normal. Check Power, PowerDown, Reset, Mclk, I2cBus respectively.
support listː
13Mː OV13850/IMX214-0AQH5
8Mː OV8825/OV8820/OV8858-Z(R1A)/OV8858-R2A
5Mː OV5648/OV5640
2Mː OV2680
Read SDK/RKDocs for detail.