OpenSIP搭建 SIP(Session Initiation Protocol,会话初始协议)的开发目的是用来帮助提 供跨越因特网的高级电话业务。因特网电话(IP电话)正在向一种正式的商业电 话模式演进,SIP就是用来确保这种演进实现而需要的NGN(下一代网络)系列协 议中重要的一员。支持H.264协议。 本次使用的系统为Ubuntu18.04(若使用ubutu20.04或Debian等可能需稍作修改 ) 编译opensips 安装所需的环境包 sudo apt-get install flex bison libncurses5-dev #安装MySQL 5.7 版本数据库 sudo apt-get install mysql-server sudo apt-get install mysql-client sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev git clone -b2.2 opensips-2.2 编译前配置: 添加 db_mysql 模块功能并保存 修改安装目录 PREFIX=/usr/local/opensips/ # unset C_INCLUDE_PATH 如果编译对象menuconfig不成功,尝试执行此命令 make menuconfig --------------------------------------------- | | | ---> Configure Compile Options | | Compile And Install OpenSIPS | | Cleanup OpenSIPS sources | | Generate OpenSIPS Script | | Exit & Save All Changes | --------------------------------------------- 选择 Configure Compile Options Configure Excluded Modules [*] db_mysql #勾选MySQL支持模块 Configure Install Prefix /usr/local/opensips/ #建议修改安装路径,以后容易卸载opensips 编译: make all -j6 make install sips服务配置 2.1 修改opensips.cfg --------------------------------------------- | | | Configure Compile Options | | Compile And Install OpenSIPS | | Cleanup OpenSIPS sources | | ---> Generate OpenSIPS Script | | Exit & Save All Changes | --------------------------------------------- Generate OpenSIPS Script Residential Script Configure Residential Script #1. 先配置script #添加: [*] ENABLE_TCP [*] USE_AUTH [*] USE_DBACC [*] USE_DBUSRLOC [*] USE_DIALOG Save Residential Script #2. 保存配置 Generate Residential Script #3. 生成script 替换opensips.cfg: cp opensips-2.2/etc/opensips_residential_2021-5-6_7:21:6.cfg opensips.cfg 修改opensips.cfg中的mpath变量: mpath="/usr/local/opensips/lib64/opensips/modules/" 修改listen为机器IP: listen=udp: # CUSTOMIZE ME listen=tcp: # CUSTOMIZE ME 检测配置文件语法是否通过 sbin/opensips -C May 6 07:30:20 [6441] INFO:core:fix_poll_method: using epoll_lt as the IO watch method (auto detected) Listening on udp: []:5060 tcp: []:5060 Aliases: May 6 07:30:20 [6441] NOTICE:core:main: config file ok, exiting... 2.2 修改 opensipsctlrc SIP_DOMAIN= DBENGINE=MYSQL #localhost DBHOST= DBNAME=opensips DBRWUSER=opensips DBRWPW="opensipsrw" DBROOTUSER="root" 2.3 创建 opensips数据库 root@firefly:/usr/local/opensips/sbin# ./opensipsdbctl create MySQL password for root: INFO: test server charset INFO: creating database opensips ... INFO: Using table engine InnoDB. INFO: Core OpenSIPS tables successfully created. Install presence related tables? (y/n): y INFO: creating presence tables into opensips ... INFO: Presence tables successfully created. Install tables for imc cpl siptrace domainpolicy carrierroute userblacklist b2b cachedb_sql registrant call_center fraud_detection emergency? (y/n): y INFO: creating extra tables into opensips ... INFO: Extra tables successfully created. 2.4 添加sip用户 ./opensipsctl add username password #添加用户 ./opensipsctl add 1000 1000 #添加一个账号和密码同为‘1000’的opensips用户 ./opensipsctl add 2000 2000 #添加一个账号和密码同为‘2000’的opensips用户 ./opensipsctl add 3000 3000 #添加一个账号和密码同为‘3000’的opensips用户 查看MySQL中opensips数据库添加情况 mysql -u opensips show databases; use opensips; select * from subscriber; 具体操作过程: mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | opensips | | performance_schema | | sys | +--------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> use opensips; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> use opensips; Database changed mysql> select * from subscriber; | id | username | domain | password | email_address | ha1 | ha1b | rpid | | 1 | 1000 | | 1000 | | 723edede4ecefd0b5762a9d17e32901a | e6c216c8db0d13ce066491f19164a12b | NULL | | 2 | 2000 | | 2000 | | 6d3515702693940f19e95e82be498e42 | 10299abcbca6bee63078df877918e557 | NULL | | 3 | 3000 | | 3000 | | 1d3a4a80dc09cecea466877fea882811 | 8255c1a861f98b431dc621166130c9d8 | NULL | 3 rows in set (0.01 sec) 3. 启动sips服务 启动opensips服务: sudo service mysql restart 4. 测试远程通讯功能 使用 linphone 输入opensips账号地址 账号:1000 密码:1000 测试结果: 能进行视频、语音通话、文本信息传输和文件传输。 FAQ Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) root @jinchengubuntu-VirtualBox:/usr/local/opensips/sbin# ./opensipsdbctl create MySQL password for root: INFO: test server charset mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) WARNING: Failed to get the available and used character sets 注释 root@jinchengubuntu-VirtualBox:/etc/mysql# grep "bind-address" * -nR mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf:43:bind-address = sudo service mysql restart