OpenSIP build SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) was developed to help provide advanced telephone services across the Internet. Internet telephony (IP telephony) is evolving to a formal business telephony model, and SIP is an important member of the NGN (Next Generation Network) series of protocols required to ensure the realization of this evolution. Support H.264 protocol. The system used this time is Ubuntu18.04 (if you use ubutu20.04 or Debian, etc., you may need to modify it slightly) Compile opensips Install the required environment pack sudo apt-get install flex bison libncurses5-dev #Install MySQL 5.7 version database sudo apt-get install mysql-server sudo apt-get install mysql-client sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev git clone -b2.2 opensips-2.2 Configuration before compilation: Add db_mysql module function and save Modify the installation directory PREFIX=/usr/local/opensips/ # unset C_INCLUDE_PATH #If the compiling object menuconfig is unsuccessful, try to execute this command make menuconfig --------------------------------------------- | | | ---> Configure Compile Options | | Compile And Install OpenSIPS | | Cleanup OpenSIPS sources | | Generate OpenSIPS Script | | Exit & Save All Changes | --------------------------------------------- Choose Configure Compile Options Configure Excluded Modules [*] db_mysql #Check MySQL support module Configure Install Prefix /usr/local/opensips/ #It is recommended to modify the installation path, it is easy to uninstall opensips in the future Compile: make all -j6 make install sips service configuration 2.1 Modify opensips.cfg --------------------------------------------- | | | Configure Compile Options | | Compile And Install OpenSIPS | | Cleanup OpenSIPS sources | | ---> Generate OpenSIPS Script | | Exit & Save All Changes | --------------------------------------------- Generate OpenSIPS Script Residential Script Configure Residential Script #1. Configure script first #Add to: [*] ENABLE_TCP [*] USE_AUTH [*] USE_DBACC [*] USE_DBUSRLOC [*] USE_DIALOG Save Residential Script #2. Save the configuration Generate Residential Script #3. Generate script Replace opensips.cfg: cp opensips-2.2/etc/opensips_residential_2021-5-6_7:21:6.cfg opensips.cfg Modify the mpath variable in opensips.cfg: mpath="/usr/local/opensips/lib64/opensips/modules/" Modify listen to the machine IP: listen=udp: # CUSTOMIZE ME listen=tcp: # CUSTOMIZE ME Check whether the configuration file syntax is passed sbin/opensips -C May 6 07:30:20 [6441] INFO:core:fix_poll_method: using epoll_lt as the IO watch method (auto detected) Listening on udp: []:5060 tcp: []:5060 Aliases: May 6 07:30:20 [6441] NOTICE:core:main: config file ok, exiting... 2.2 Modify opensipsctlrc SIP_DOMAIN= DBENGINE=MYSQL #localhost DBHOST= DBNAME=opensips DBRWUSER=opensips DBRWPW="opensipsrw" DBROOTUSER="root" 2.3 Create opensips database root@firefly:/usr/local/opensips/sbin# ./opensipsdbctl create MySQL password for root: INFO: test server charset INFO: creating database opensips ... INFO: Using table engine InnoDB. INFO: Core OpenSIPS tables successfully created. Install presence related tables? (y/n): y INFO: creating presence tables into opensips ... INFO: Presence tables successfully created. Install tables for imc cpl siptrace domainpolicy carrierroute userblacklist b2b cachedb_sql registrant call_center fraud_detection emergency? (y/n): y INFO: creating extra tables into opensips ... INFO: Extra tables successfully created. 2.4 Add sip user ./opensipsctl add username password #Add user ./opensipsctl add 1000 1000 #Add an opensips user whose account and password are both ‘1000’ ./opensipsctl add 2000 2000 #Add an opensips user whose account and password are both ‘2000’ ./opensipsctl add 3000 3000 #Add an opensips user whose account and password are both ‘3000’ View the addition of the opensips database in MySQL mysql -u opensips show databases; use opensips; select * from subscriber; Specific operation process: mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | opensips | | performance_schema | | sys | +--------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> use opensips; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> use opensips; Database changed mysql> select * from subscriber; | id | username | domain | password | email_address | ha1 | ha1b | rpid | | 1 | 1000 | | 1000 | | 723edede4ecefd0b5762a9d17e32901a | e6c216c8db0d13ce066491f19164a12b | NULL | | 2 | 2000 | | 2000 | | 6d3515702693940f19e95e82be498e42 | 10299abcbca6bee63078df877918e557 | NULL | | 3 | 3000 | | 3000 | | 1d3a4a80dc09cecea466877fea882811 | 8255c1a861f98b431dc621166130c9d8 | NULL | 3 rows in set (0.01 sec) 3. Start the sips service Start the opensips service: sudo service mysql restart 4. Test the remote communication function Use linphone Enter the opensips account address Account number: 1000 Password: 1000 Test Results: It can carry out video, voice calls, text message transmission and file transmission. FAQ Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) root @jinchengubuntu-VirtualBox:/usr/local/opensips/sbin# ./opensipsdbctl create MySQL password for root: INFO: test server charset mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) WARNING: Failed to get the available and used character sets Comment code root@jinchengubuntu-VirtualBox:/etc/mysql# grep "bind-address" * -nR mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf:43:bind-address = sudo service mysql restart