Build Buildroot firmware This chapter introduces the compilation process of Buildroot firmware. Build Linux-SDK Precompile Configuration There are configuration files for different board in "device/rockchip/rk3288/", select the configuration file: HDMI ./ LVDS DM-M10R800 ./ The configuration file will be connected to "device/rockchip/", check the file to verify whether the configuration is successful. Configruation content: # Target arch export RK_ARCH=arm # 32-bit ARM # Uboot defconfig export RK_UBOOT_DEFCONFIG=firefly-rk3288 # u-boot configuration # Kernel defconfig export RK_KERNEL_DEFCONFIG=firefly_linux_defconfig # kernel configuration # Kernel dts export RK_KERNEL_DTS=rk3288-firefly-aio # dts file # Buildroot config export RK_CFG_BUILDROOT=rockchip_rk3288 # Buildroot configuration # Recovery config export RK_CFG_RECOVERY=rockchip_rk3288_recovery # recovery configuration # parameter for GPT table export RK_PARAMETER=parameter-buildroot.txt # partition table # rootfs image path export RK_ROOTFS_IMG=buildroot/output/$RK_CFG_BUILDROOT/images/rootfs.$RK_ROOTFS_TYPE # filesystem path Partial compilation u-boot ./ uboot kernel ./ kernel recovery ./ recovery Buildroot filesystem Compile the Buildroot filesystem and generate the compiled output directory in "buildroot/output": ./ buildroot # Note: Be sure to compile the Buildroot filesystem as a normal user to avoid unnecessary errors. Pack the firmware Update each part of the ".img" link to the directory "rockdev/": ./ Pack the firmware, the firmware will be saved to the directory "rockdev/pack/". ./ updateimg Automatic compilation The automatic compilation will perform the above compilation and packaging operations to generate complete firmware. ./ Partition table parameter The parameter.txt file contains the partition information of the firmware. Take parameter-buildroot.txt as an example: path: "device/rockchip/rk3288/parameter-buildroot.txt" FIRMWARE_VER: 8.1 MACHINE_MODEL:RK3288 MACHINE_ID:007 MANUFACTURER:RK3288 MAGIC: 0x5041524B ATAG: 0x00200800 MACHINE: 3288 CHECK_MASK: 0x80 PWR_HLD: 0,0,A,0,1 TYPE: GPT CMDLINE: mtdparts=rk29xxnand:0x00002000@0x00004000(uboot),0x00002000@0x00006000(trust),0x00002000@0x00008000(misc),0x00010000@0x0000a000(boot),0x00010000@0x0001a000(recovery),0x00010000@0x0002a000(backup),0x00020000@0x0003a000(oem),0x00100000@0x0005a000(rootfs),-@0x0015a000(userdata:grow) uuid:rootfs=614e0000-0000-4b53-8000-1d28000054a9 The CMDLINE attribute is where we are concerned. Take uboot as an example. In 0x00002000@0x00004000(uboot), 0x00004000 is the starting position of the uboot partition, 0x00002000 is the size of the partition, and so on. package-file The package-file is used to determine the required partition image and image path when packaging the firmware, and it needs to be consistent with the parameter.txt. path: "tools/linux/Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/rk3288-package-file" # name relative path # #hwdef hwdef package-file package-file bootloader image/miniloaderall.bin parameter image/parameter.txt trust image/trust.img uboot image/uboot.img misc image/misc.img boot image/boot.img recovery image/recovery.img rootfs image/rootfs.img oem image/oem.img userdata:grow image/userdata.img backup RESERVED